A healthy diet can improve your overall health and well-being. By choosing a balanced diet, you can reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes. Changing your lifestyle habits takes time and should be done gradually. Remember that eating well should be synonymous with pleasure, variety and balance.

Develop a healthy diet for your daily life with these guidelines :

Ideally, a balanced meal should contain plenty of vegetables and fruit, whole grains and protein foods (eggs, beans, fish, meat, dairy products).

- Eat three balanced meals at regular intervals each day and snacks if necessary;

- Follow the normal meal schedule every 4-6 hours;

- Enjoy a variety of healthy foods each day;

- Focus on fibre-rich foods, such as vegetables and fruit, whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes, etc;

- Choose unprocessed foods;

- Limit desserts and salty snacks.

- Make water your favourite beverage and drink regularly;

- Limit your alcohol intake, and when you do, please do so with meals.

For more information, please visit the Pep2Dia reference website

The role of diet in managing diabetes :

- Managing blood sugar levels

Glucose in the blood comes initially from the carbohydrates in the food we eat. Carbohydrates are also the main source of energy for our body and brain. Our diet contains many sources of carbohydrates, starting with grain products : bread, pasta, potatoes, corn, rice, quinoa. However, diabetics should not eliminate them.

- Hypoglycaemia

By definition, hypoglycaemia occurs when blood sugar levels fall below 4 mmol/l. There are several factors that can cause hypoglycaemia, such as doing more physical activity than usual, not eating enough or taking medication, some of which is oral, or, for example, 'insulin'.

- Managing fat levels

A high-fat diet can lead to overweight and negatively affect the effectiveness of insulin. However, fat consumption is still essential, as it plays a vital role in the normal functioning of our body.

Is good nutrition a real treatment tool for pre-diabetic and diabetic patients?

Exactly, it will actually reduce blood sugar levels, especially if you increase physical activity. In addition, once the disease is announced, a healthy diet will also help reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. Unfortunately, these complications are numerous. There are the cardiovascular risks mentioned above, but there is also the risk of neuropathy, i.e. nerve damage that can seriously damage the kidneys, eyes and feet. The patient says that he no longer feels pain, if he hurts himself, the wound will become infected and the limb may have to be amputated.